
Thanks for visiting my blog. Here I'll show my artwork and ramble on about stuff.

Friday, November 13, 2009

New book cover coming soon.

I've been working on a new cover for a horror novel for Tellerup recently, and it might be out for Christmas. I've also worked on an interior illustration and a 'special item' for the book. In the words of Barney from the show 'How I met your mother'- It's gonna be LEGEN-wait for it-DARY!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sirenernes Hemmelighed

My cover for Julia Goldings novel 'Sirenernes Hemmelighed'. This is the danish translation of Goldings 'Secret of the Sirens'. I based this loosely on the english cover - see it here:

I think I managed to make the danish cover a bit more exciting.
Danish publisher Tellerup has released this for purchase recently. This is the first novel in a series of four, included is also a very cool sewn patch.

First up are some character designs I did for the danish company 'Kinetic Mass'. The plot and gameconcept is still shrouded in mystery - but they're showing off these concept drawings I did of the four playable main characters. The second guy from the left was edited by the game director - they changed his head. But that's the world of gameconcepting - changes are being made all the time :)
So I've started a blog... Vupti-doo. Gonna post some art soon.