I no longer recide at Area9
Although they've been very pleased with my work, they no long have any work for me, at least not for another 6 months. So that kinda of sucks BUT I've resusitated my dream of earning a living by doing solely freelance work.
This February I will join the very talented gang of artists at their office 'Pinligt selskab'. The best talent in Denmark share an office there, among others, Jesper Ejsing, Paul Bonner and Emil Landgreen. I'm most grateful to be able to sit among such a talented bunch of people and I'm sooo looking forward to it. I hope to learn a lot.
I do however need more work! More customers! Please don't hesitate to contact me if you like my paintings. I don't work for free, but I'm certainly not the most expensive dude to work with in the business.